Moths, moths, go away, come again another day
April Platt ’19 swats a moth that flies in from of her face
Dusty brown wings flutter through the hallways of Xavier. Even when just looking at a wall in uppers Fitzgerald Hall it is nearly impossible not to see a moth sulking on a white wall, hunting for its next victim.
Senior Lindsay Smith remembered the onslaught of the moths, saying “It seemed like every place I went, a moth would fly out of nowhere.”
Students pick up their backpacks, a moth flies out. Sitting in class, a moth flies through the room, causing panic and students to aggressively swat the air.
Senior Angela Chambers remarked on the constant fluttering of moth wings, “It’s like the modern day installation of the plague”
The “moth” season has begun, fighting with seniors for the typical “senior season”. The moths are certainly marking their territory.
This idea seemed to be coined by Angela Chambers who winced at the idea of “Senior season? More like moth season.”
During the influx of the monsoon season, it seems like the moths are thriving better now than ever before. But just where do they come from and how long with they stay around? The high humidity is to blame. Now with the beginning of October and with the monsoon season drawing to a close, the moths have seemed to disappear.
But for many seniors, the moths will be something to remember as they began their last year here at Xavier.
“The moths were everywhere,” said Lindsay Smith.