Welcome, Father Cruz!
Fr. Daniel Cruz will be serving as parochial vicar of St. Joan of Arc Parish effective July 1. (Billy Hardiman/CATHOLIC SUN)
Here at Xavier, we are all one big family! We thrive to inspire, encourage and assist each other. At the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, we were introduced to Father Daniel Cruz, our new and beloved Priest. Father Cruz was ordained on June 3rd of the year 2017. Coming from a small town, at a young age Fr. Cruz always knew he wanted to work at a school and share his beliefs and faiths with others.
Attending Arizona State University, he completed his bachelor’s in Science, and therefore, wanted to become a Biology teacher. Before becoming ordained, he had worked a year at Gilbert Community College. Fr. Cruz was a bit of a traveler, going to Denver Colorado for about seven years, at St. John Vianney.
Coming to Xavier College Prep. Father. Cruz didn’t exactly know much about our school, but that didn’t stop him. Father Cruz shared, “At first, you know I had been praying about this place, and I noticed it- that it’s not surprising that I’m here, because of the history of the priest, with Father Kevin, he was from St. John of Ark and for him, starting off like I did, and I don’t know, I always wanted to go into a school, and so I was very excited.” He also shared that it was most definitely part of God’s plan that he is here.
His main goal, not just for the Xavier community, is so that he is able to share faith with those who are slowly falling out of their own faith. Fr. Cruz wants us, as young women, to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ in all that he is. He would like us to understand that true freedom is knowing the good and being able to stay faithful. He hopes that we see God as the center of our life. Father Cruz sees the church as a beautiful, lifegiving and direct way for our minds and hearts to connect with God. The church is a sense of forming our hearts to spread our encounter with Jesus Christ with others. He mentions that the way of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be spread because of the certain unkindness in our world.
I asked Fr. Cruz his first thought about Xavier. He proceeded to say, “Oh wow, I love it.” At Xavier, Fr. Cruz wants everyone to know that he is beyond grateful to be here. He enjoys every minute he spends on campus.
As a closing thought, Father Cruz would like to share, “My hope is that you don’t notice me but that you know the joy of the gospel, you know that you are loved deeply, and my hope is that you never forget who you are: a beloved daughter that has the courage of god.” He also adds that he is very proud of us as young women of the future and can’t wait for a great year!