Life lessons learned during Xssembly
Ms. Kelly Corrigan addresses the Xavier student body.
Every year, Xavier hosts the X-Breakfast, a fundraising event for Xavier’s Leadership Capital Campaign. This year, the event featured two speakers: Guia Golden, fashion marketing executive and Xavier alum from the class of 1994, and Kelly Corrigan, “New York Times” best-selling author of Glitter and Glue. The speakers also addressed the student body in an all-school assembly following the breakfast.
In their speeches, Ms. Golden and Ms. Corrigan spoke about their life experiences and how it shaped who they are today.
Guia Golden, daughter of Ms. Rhonda Golden in the bookstore, works in New York with Refinery29 in marketing. She spoke to the student body about her experiences as a Xavier student in the early 1990s and about the hardships her and her family endured, as well as her journey to becoming a marketing executive. Golden also spoke about the importance of family in our daily lives and how our relationship with them is crucial to our success.
Her speech inspired and helped students recognize their opportunities in life. Jessica Smyth, junior, said, “I thought she was very inspiring, and they helped me realize I want to do something special with my life.”
Kelly Corrigan also had some wise words for the Xavier Gators. She spoke about how she is raising her teenage daughters and the hard road she took to become a successful author. Corrigan also described the key to living a full and happy life: always be yourself and be kind to others. Ana Yoo, sophomore, said, “Kelly Corrigan’s speech was informative. I now have a new perspective on how to live a fuller life.”
Both of these wonderful ladies had so much to say at the X-Breakfast and their messages left imprints on everyone who heard them. Kiley Galvin, junior, said, “the stories of these women are very moving and they have made me more appreciative for the opportunity I have to attend Xavier.”