For many, the start of a new school year means meeting new people and broadening horizons. However, freshmen aren’t the only new faces at school. Xavier College Preparatory welcomed five new teachers at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
Although they are new, these teachers are not alone. Long-time Xavier teachers have provided valuable experiences and support to ease the process of starting at a new school.
A handful of the new teachers are Xavier alumna, such as Abbie Arnold, Kaiti-Lynn Beazley and Sarah White. Having similar experiences and memories as Xavier students, these teachers have close understandings of the lives of their students.
Arnold, a recent Xavier graduate, is now teaching in the English department. In her class, writing is a way for students to embrace creativity and self-expression.
“It’s a way to connect your own experiences to what you’re reading. I love writing, I love reading, I love creativity in general,” Arnold said.
Arnold’s mentor, English teacher Kate Boehm, shares Arnold’s interest in nurturing creativity within students. “She [Boehm] is also very creatively inclined, so it’s helpful for me to see how she incorporates that, to find a balance between academic and creative activities,” said Arnold.
Another alum, Sarah White, has joined Xavier as the theater productions director. “It’s been a really great experience being able to both direct and teach,” White said.
She directed the first theater production of this school year, “Murder on the Orient Express,” and is already in preparation for the next production.
She has found great guidance from department chair Teresa Corderman as well as from teacher Thomas Lytle, both deeply involved in the theater and acting at Xavier. “She [Corderman] has been there for me every single day,” said White.
In the theology department, teacher Kaiti-Lynn Beazley is an alum of the class of 2017. “It’s actually been pretty easy to adjust, because everything feels the same. Xavier hasn’t changed very much since I was a student. Teaching here feels like coming back home,” Beazley said.
She’s found a great deal of guidance from teacher Geoffrey Stricklin, who used to be her theology teacher when she attended Xavier. “It’s fun to be down the hall from him,” said Beazley.
Having previously taught ninth grade, Stricklin is a direct source to Beazley, making himself available to provide advice regarding lesson plans.
Whimsically decorated, Kaiti-Lynn Beazley’s classroom is a welcoming and positive environment for both students and herself. “We can just learn and have fun, and have a good time,” Beazley added.
Kevin Saunders, a wonderful new face in the theology department, has had a passion for the Catholic faith from a young age. He grew up Catholic, and was always active in his faith. It wasn’t until college when he found a deeper passion for Catholicism. He attended the Newman Center at Arizona State University, where he found his place in a community of students devoted to Catholicism. “I was probably 17 years of age when it really made sense to me,” Saunders said.
He is not intimidated by an all-girls school, either. Saunders is a loving “girl dad” to four grown daughters, one of whom taught at Xavier. He also has one daughter-in-law, and five granddaughters. “I’m very comfortable in the world of young women,” Saunders said.
He’s made a smooth transition to Xavier with the help of experienced faculty and staff. “It’s been awesome. The administration here, Sister Joan, Sister Joanie, and Sister Lynn, make it very simple,” said Saunders.
Gina Iker and Stricklin have been supportive mentors in Saunders’ start at Xavier, as well. “Mrs. Iker has helped me navigate the ins-and-outs, what I have to be ready for and how loud the rallies are going to be,” Saunders added.
Andrea Williams, a Xavier cross country and track and field assistant coach, started teaching in the physical education department at Xavier. Because she was previously a coach, she was already quite familiar with Xavier, which has been helpful in her start. While she is an experienced teacher of 23 years, Xavier is Williams’ first private school where she has taught.
One of her favorite things about Xavier is homeroom, which offers a special time to connect with students. “I love that we have homerooms here. Getting to know mine on a personal level has been fun!” Williams said.