Arden’s Declassified Finals Survival Guide
- Coffee is your friend. Get to know each other, but not too well. Students and coffee often develop a toxic relationship.
- If studying with friends, be productive. Leave your phones and gossip for your nonexistent free time.
- Quizlet is a grade saver. The app is free and perfect for last minute vocab review.
- See that pile of loose notes in the half-broken binder? Organize it.
- Teachers are the Master Shifu (“Kung Fu Panda” master) of finals. They provide all the tools a young grasshopper would need to succeed in their final.
- Although it is tempting, DO NOT start a new Netflix show on the eve of finals. The fabulous Upper East Siders of “Gossip Girl” can wait.
- As mogul Tom Haverford elegantly said, “treat yo’ self.” Finals are stressful. Go ahead and take a few breaks to “treat yo’ self” to a peppermint mocha.courtesy of tumblr
- Although sometimes painful, exercise can be refreshing and a good way to release your stress.
- It is tempting to stay up late studying, but the best way to absorb the information you reviewed is to go to bed early. Get as much beauty sleep as possible.
- Don’t over-stress about your finals. You have learned all of this information before. You will survive.
Your teachers believe in you.