Claire Yablong originally planned to be an engineer after she graduated from Xavier in 2007, but her passion for teaching quickly and unexpectedly caught her eye.
After graduating from the University of Arizona with a degree in engineering, Yablong subbed for math teacher Veronica Smith. Yablong quickly realized that she enjoyed teaching Smith’s Honors Precalculus and Algebra 2 classes and explored it as a possible career choice.
Her experience as a teacher in Smith’s class inspired her to become a full-time teacher at Xavier.
In 2011, Yablong began teaching physics and chemistry at Xavier. The following year she transitioned to teaching more mathematics-based classes.
Yablong enjoys teaching math because she can visualize the equations. “I like that I am able to test the concepts in real time,” Yablong said.
She enjoys the idea of being able to see if the equations she teaches her students are accurately represented in the real world, which is one of the reasons why she has chosen to continue to teach both subjects.
Yablong enjoys teaching the rational functions that come along with math, yet she also enjoys teaching physics due to the fact that it is real-world experiments. Yablong’s desire to test her equations in real life prompted her to quickly take the opportunity to teach more science sections.
When Sister Joanie Nuckols was looking for more physics sections due to the growing interest, Yablong took the opportunity.
Claire Yablong’s former teacher and current Xavier teacher Adrienne Hestenes thinks that it is great that Yablong can teach multiple subjects. From the years she had Yablong as a student, Hestenes had always known that Yablong enjoyed the subject of physics.
Hestenes’ fellow mathematics department’s co-chair Eva Becker believes that Yablong’s degree in engineering and passion for real-life application is why she is the right person for this position.
Becker said Yablong is enthusiastic about physics and applying knowledge. “Being enthusiastic is important because when you are enthusiastic about something, it makes it easier to teach,” Becker said.
The fresh material from teaching a new subject allows Yablong to engage students more effectively. “I 100% believe that Mrs. Yablong is able to teach her students in an effective way,” Becker said.
Becker said that Yablong’s degree in engineering blends well with the two subjects she teaches Xavier students. Yablong’s engineering background enhances her ability to connect physics concepts to real life in ways few teachers can.