Avoiding the dreaded third quarter slump


Helen Innes ’19

Each and every Xavier girl can relate to what is commonly known as the “third quarter slump”: the period of time between January and March where multitudes of work pile up but motivation is beginning a never-ending spiral downward. To make matters worse, the slump seems to be worse for seniors than anyone else, a case known as “senioritis”. “The third quarter slump is especially difficult for us seniors who have already heard back from colleges. As we are preparing for college by looking for roommates and signing up for orientations, it is difficult to focus on high school as we are focused on the future and what it has in store for us,” said senior Isabella Shilliday.

Third quarter slumps claim several girls each year. We get a taste of vacation from those glorious two weeks off for Christmas and we just want more. From receiving borderline grades to actually failing that math test, girls struggle to get by and make it to summer vacation. But do not worry, because I have put together a list of tips to help you survive.

Meg’s Motivation to Survive Third Quarter:

                1) If you work hard now, 4th quarter will be a breeze.

I know that this is not what every teacher wants to hear, but the only thing worse than third quarter is fourth quarter. Fourth quarter means that summer break is nearing.  Try to work harder now, so you can relax a little on finals and not have to work so hard to bring your B up to an A.

    2) Colleges don’t accept the “third quarter slump” excuse.

Good grades are necessary to get into any college. Depending on where you want to go to college, exceptional grades might be necessary. Use college as an incentive to work harder and produce better work for your teachers.

                3) If you don’t do your work now, it will just come back to haunt you later

Speaking from personal experience, I know this one to be especially true. Do not think that if you put off your work, it will just magically disappear. As nice as that sounds, it is not reality. You will have to do all of that work eventually. When worse comes to worse, be lucky that late work will even be accepted in high school because, in college, professors will throw it away.

I know that third quarter is a pain to all of us, but if you think of the three previously stated reasons, I promise you can find some hidden ounce of motivation in yourself.