Xavier Seniors say goodbye to their favorite memories and Phoenix spots

As the seniors begin the final countdown to graduation, we spoke to a couple to hear about their favorite memories from their time at Xavier. When given the time, the seniors barely even mentioned the amount of homework studying and test. What they truly remembered where the interesting classes, their classmates and the teachers. At Xavier, there is never just a normal school day. Between rallies, Bacchus Sweens, Catholic schools week and everything in between, memories are being made. The seniors graduate May 12, 2018 at 10 AM in the St. Francis church. Save your seniors are going all over the country to continue their education in college. They are happy to know that there’s Xavier sisters will always have their back. Not only does Xavier provide an excellent, faith based education, it also provides a community to help ensure young women can “pursue excellence”. While some Seniors are leaving the state entirely and have their spots they’ll miss, some are just reflecting about the memories of Xavier they’ll be leaving behind. Senior Gabby Leier says “My favorite memory from my time at Xavier is winning the national title twice with Spiritline.” Senior Greer Tornquist, who’s leaving the state for an Musical Theatre degree at Millikin University in Illinois, says the place she will miss most about Phoenix is Brophy’s blackbox theatre. “I’ve made so many amazing memories in that theatre and I will miss it so much.” says Tornquist. Similarly,  Anastacia Whitaker says “My favorite thing that I did while at Xavier was probably participating in all of the Xavier and Brophy shows. I have made such amazing friends through theatre.”

Camden Andl ’19
Brophy’s Blackbox Theatre serves as a holder of many memories for Xavier students

Senior Dani Rizzo reflects on her years at Xavier with her friends, “I think that I will remember the fun times I had with my friends, both inside and outside of school.” Some Seniors have smaller places in Phoenix that they will miss, like Lily Gonzales, who says Phoenix’s food will always have her heart. “I just love the vegan junk food Green. It’s delicious and curbs all my vegan cravings.” Lastly, Mary Long thanks Xavier for the life long memories. “I will always remember the frosh mixer because it is where I met the love of my life.”