How are Gators staying active?

Natalia Gomez del Campo/XPress photo

Senior Taryn Maher is hard at work in a plank in her own backyard.

As Gators are getting back into the groove of school, the importance of feeling good physically as well as mentally is always a priority. Xavier students have found many creative ways to boost endorphins in fun and healthy ways. 

Due to higher temperatures this past summer, finding spaces to do physical activity may have been difficult. Whether it was moving furniture, working out early in the morning or late at night or even just exercising from the comfort of one’s own room, many alternatives were found in order to maintain physical fitness.

As a result of fitness centers temporarily closing, Gators had to find other ways to get in normal workouts. Girls used creativity to find the space and equipment. Junior Bella Buse said, “I decided to stay active by converting an open space in my house into a gym.” 

Many have used this time to try new activities and appreciate surroundings. Senior Elyse Gifford said, “These past few months I have really gotten to explore my neighborhood on my bike. I have ridden up and down hills that I had never been on before.”

 Besides physical activity being good for physical health, many students say that it improves mood as well. Buse said that, “Working out even for 20 minutes helps me stay focused and boosts my self-esteem.” Many shared that they believe exercise relieves stress, which could be very good for Gators in the midst of upcoming academic chaos. 

In a survey regarding healthy habits, 267 students responded. Of those students, 54.7% of girls felt they have worked out more after the Covid-19 outbreak, and. 55.3% of girls still attend some sort of gym.

Students have also found ways to turn exercise into enjoyable family activities. Freshman Lily Beaver said, “I have gotten to spend more time with my brothers and my family as we have gone on a lot of bike rides together!” 

Now that the weather is cooling down, exercising outside is favored. Whether it is running, walking or a more sedentary workout in one’s own backyard, Gators and all Phoenicians are lucky enough to live in a place with weather that makes this possible.

Freshman Valentina Gomez del Campo takes a walk outside in the nice weather! (Natalia Gomez del Campo/XPress photo)