Seniors share last wills and testaments

Sister Lynn Winsor

Seniors celebrate the rally at Senior Day.

Mary Dickens- I will miss you so much next year! I am not sure what to do without you. Thank you for giving me the best advice and always being there for me. It has been so much fun watching you grow up these four years! You have grown to be such an amazing young lady with determination, positivity, intelligence, and beauty. I hope being an only child next year isn’t as bad as it seems for you. Love you always, Caroline Calihan. Piper Kilb- Thank you for being such an amazing friend over the past four years. I will miss you so much and wish you all the best next year. You have been such an amazing friend by always being there for me when I felt down or was happy. Keep your positive energy up and stay you! Love you always, Caroline Calihan

Ms. Sanford- We will miss you so much!! You’ve been like our community big sister this year! Your strength, spiritually and emotionally, has been so inspiring to this class. I’ve said it before but the world really does need more people like you! We love you! Much love, Alex Williams My Pierian Spring Gang- You all are so talented! Seriously! I couldn’t be more proud of Xavier’s community of artists and writers. You are all so resilient and strong in this weird time in our lives. Please never stop creating. Remember that your stories are important and are worth being heard. Can’t wait to see what you all come up with in the coming years!! Peace and Love, Alex Williams

These past four years at Xavier have been incredibly memorable! I have been so blessed to be taught by such amazing teachers, seeing all the friendly faces when I walk past the circle in the mornings, talking with everyone at the Xavier café, enjoying the beautiful campus, and most of all, making the loveliest of friends. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for all of them and I am beyond proud of them for getting to the finish line only to start a new chapter of their lives. I can definitely say that the first time I walked on campus will be incomparable to the last day I set foot here. I love you all so much, Michelle Calderon <3

To all my baddies – I am going to miss badminton so much I love each and every one of you! this sport has given me so much these four years I will never forget it!! always be proud to be a baddie love u all:) To my sister gigi – I love you more than you know and I hope you enjoy these last two years because they are fleeting, you will be surprised by how fast they truly go. live every moment you can and have fun with the people you love because these memories you are making right now are core memories that will make you cry soon enough…. I love you thank you for being my sister I am going to miss you way too much!!! love sophie riviere <3

To Dr. Zuba– thank you for making Junior year English so fun! Your love and commitment towards your students was everything! I will miss you so so much next year 🙁 Love, Ameera To my best friends: You know who you are, I love you guys. Thank you for never failing to be there. These 4 years with you guys have been everything! Can’t wait for the next 4 and what God does 🙂 Love, Ameera To all the teachers ive had throughout my 4 years here at Xavier: Thank you for making me the student I am. You guys came in everyday with commitment to help us in any way possible and even stay a bit later so we can get help. Love, Ameera Rivas

To all my eSports gals, thank you all so much for making this such a memorable year for me and for the sport. 2 years ago I never would have imagined that we would be playing in a full lab on more than one occasion spending the whole time laughing and screaming together. Good luck to all of you and I hope to see yall do great things. And of course a massive thanks to both our coaches. I will miss you both so much and I so glad you’ve both taken the time help teach us. Especially you Coach Peinado, eSports never would have even happened without you and for that I really owe you. Miss you guys already, Ciara McGarry

To my theater fam! I love you all so much and I am so excited to come back and watch you all in the shows! Y’all are stars and I am going to miss the Xavier stage so much next year! Thank you for the best four years!! To my friends- you guys are the best friends I could ever ask for! You guys have filled my high school years with laughter, jamming car rides, and endless memories! I love you so much and I’m gonna miss seeing your faces everyday but not to fear because I’m sure we will be FaceTimeing all the time! Have a blast in college! Endless amounts of love, Lauren Vickers

To my Spiritline girls – thank you for everything you have done for me! My years at Xavier would not have been the same without you guys. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you and I’ll miss seeing your beautiful faces everyday. I’ll see you at Nationals! To Kathy, Alex, and Noemi – Thank you for being the lights in my life. I’ll greatly miss our Friday lunches and sleepovers. Thank you guys for always putting a smile on my face everyday. I’m going to miss you guys so much and I wish you the best of luck in college! Keep on dancing 😛 – Patricia Kaye Madrid

I am going to miss everyone so so much! I could not have done these past four years without my baes, my besties, my exec ladies, the presidents, my carpool, my underclassmen, and my soccer girls #statechamps!! I love you all so much and you will forever have special places in my heart <3 It has been such a fast four years and I am so sad to be leaving a place that I am so comfortable in, but I am looking forward to the future and what is to come. To anyone reading this, enjoy your time here because it goes by so much faster than you think and you are going to miss it. – Emmie Paulson

Toni and Devon – THE TWO LOVES OF MY LIFE! The past three years with you two have gone way too fast:( How am I supposed to live without seeing you everyday? My big little sisters who I will never stop learning from, you make my world so much brighter and never fail to put a smile on my face. I can’t wait to watch you two grow and flourish into the outstanding women you’re meant to be. Keep being an inspiration to those around you and keep pushing yourselves! I’ll always be here for you, cheering you on. Love you soo so much! Tori Saucedo<3

Thank you to all the faculty and staff at Xavier for helping me to achieve my academic goals! To my Swag and Dive loves-I love you all endlessly and will miss you so much next year! Thank you for being my family over the past four years. Hopey, G-Money, Ashleigh, G Hull, and Daisy-always remember to FEEL YOUR POWER and keep the team spirit alive. To Dylan, my dear sophomore, I am so excited to see how far you will go! Always a good day when I see you at JR!! Love you all forever, Kelly Scott woo woo woo #getsome

Queen Kim (Ms. Cavnar), oh how much I love you! Thank you for being the best this year and for always being there for me anytime I really needed it! I will obviously stay in touch! Love you lots! To Ms. Andersen, thank you for being one of the best teachers I have ever had! I hope you remember me next year! I’ll be sure to take your advice with me to college! To all my Kairos girls, I will miss you all so much next year! I will obviously be keeping in touch! Kill it next year and we will see each other soon! – Natalina Putrino

To all my class of ’21 girls, thank you for making these four years such a crazy fun journey! I will remember you all and wish you the best. Special thanks to Sr. Maresca, Mr. Pfaff, Mrs. Weiland, and the Wymans for being so supportive to me academically and inspiring the passions I will pursue in the future at college. And to the next group of CSHS officers, I can’t wait to see where you take the society in the coming years as it grows and develops. Best of luck to you all in the future! Sincerely, Natalie Para

My favorite part about senior year was making so many more close friendships. With covid, we had to have 2 separate lunches, and for me, that was a blessing in disguise. Normally, I would just sit with my friend group at lunch, but now we sit with whoever we see in A or B lunch. I love this because I have gotten so much closer with the seniors over lunch and everyday a new group of people sit with us. I look forward to lunches whenever I go to school because I love getting closer with everyone. – Taryn Maher 

People always say that the people you surround yourself with are a direct correlation of who you are as a person. To my wonderful best friends (you know who you are), thank you for shaping me into the person I am today. You inspire me to be a better person each and everyday. I wholeheartedly believe that I have a small piece of each of you in my heart that I will take into my next chapter. Thank you for showing me what true friendship is. I love you forever and ever. Love always, Courtney Cole <3

For my best friends throughout our amazing years here- Nia, Maria, Alyssa, and Nat. I love you all so much! You have made my high school experience the most unpredictable, funny years of my life. I’m sad we didn’t get to hang in Vestar Courtyard as much this year, but I’m so thankful for the memories we got to make this year and during the past three years. P.S. Make room for me in your dorms… I’m coming to visit! Love you, Caylyn Chipman

I just wanna say I’m proud of myself and all of my peers who have worked so incredibly hard, with frequent Dutch runs, weekly all-nighters, and endless assignments, to pursue our goals in life, even if some of us still don’t know what those goals are yet. Wow, that was a long sentence. I’m so grateful for the skills I have learned, the people I have met, and the memories I’ve made. It wasn’t always perfect, but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything. – Ariana Herrera Ady

Mrs. Gannon, I would have not survived high school without you. You were not my guidance counselor, you were my guardian angel. You need a relaxing vacation after the countless emails and meetings we shared. I am going to miss stopping by and stealing candy. Thank you so much for guiding me these past for years! My graduation is dedicated to you. 🙂 Love, Reagan Van Norman

Ms. Sanford. For bringing joy to my life every single day. Fr. Nathaniel Glenn. For always having the perfect response to hard questions. Mr. Ahern. For making Junior Year Theology interesting and one of the best theology classes at Xavier Mrs. Ahern. For making the library such an amazing place to sit and study. Mr. Long. For making APUSH such a great class. I learned a lot about United States history that I still remember. – Olivia Szewczyk

Sloan, Simone, Juli, Ellie and Ania you guys are the best friends ever!! I love you all sooo much and am very thankful for our friendship:) Also to my K7 group you all are amazing and wow go kill it at college (or senior year lol go kate!!) next year!! I’m going to miss you all way too much. Alsoooo shoutout to Ms.Pendergast for shaping me into a calc-loving nerd haha best teacher ever Love, Campbell MacKenzie

My basketball babies – I’m so lucky to have gotten to play with you all. You push and inspire me to be better every single day. Keep grinding and always remember to have fun! I can’t wait to watch you grow as players and as young women! Know that I’ll always be in your corner and your biggest cheerleader! Go get that RING! I believe in each and every one of you and love you sooo much! Love always, Tori Saucedo<3

To the talented Honor Choir, Mrs. Hockins, and Ms. Garrison: I’m going to miss hearing your beautiful voices and seeing you every week! To all the seniors, good luck in college and to all the remaining members, keep singing with a bright smile! Thank you Mrs. Hockins and Ms. Garrison for everything that you’ve taught me! You’ve made this year a blessing! Love you all, Bernardine Bueno

Sloan, Simone, Natalie, Sydney –  thanks for being my best friends, I love you all more than you know. Ms. Richter and Mr. Mos, thank you for your constant support and guidance. I couldn’t have done it without you! To my XPress queens, specifically Grace and Layla, I love you mini-me’s! So proud of all the work you’ve done this year and can’t wait to see what you do in the future. Love, Emma McCarthy <3

To my sweet junior and sophomore girls, thank you for being the absolute best. I’m going to miss seeing you all everyday. Remember I am always just a text away. And to my best friends: thank you for being my family. You are the people who make me happiest. I can’t imagine what next year will be like without you all. Friends till forever falls apart. Love you always, Reese Diethrich

Love all my honor choir sisters! You guys have given me a home at Xavier where I can do what I love, which is singing. From Christmas Pageant, to Masses, to Spring concerts and to winning our first and last Festival! We have grown so much, both musically and in our friendship. You guys are the best! I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with anyone else. Love ya! Sarah Blackstad

To our favorite AP Research baddies- Grace, Tazmin, and Kate. Thank you for all the laughs and good memories during 6th period! You’re all such spectacular girls, and we’re so excited to see where you go and what you do! And to Ms. Richter; thank you for your endless patience with us (even though we were your favorite class, of course). Much love, Lauryn Carter and Jordan

To all of the teachers, thank you for making the classroom a safe and comfortable place to learn. To the Xavier staff, thank you for making these last four years a pleasurable experience. To the Xavier students, thank you for giving this school spirit and making it a place where we can all support each other, good luck with your futures! – Zoelyn Mulloy

Shout out to Lauren Etsitty! Thank you for being my best friend and always being there for me. I can not believe that we have gone to the same school for 8 years and now the time has come where I can not see you everyday. But I know you will do great anywhere you go, and I wish nothing but the best for you. Love you always, Mia Velasco

I, Isabella Hutchinson, of semi-sound mind, do hereby declare that I owe a big thank you to everyone who has supported me even if it was only small encouraging words or simple understanding when I needed it. Especially you, Great Books Lads. Thanks for all the great laughs and thrilling conversations about anything and everything 🙂

To all of my Cheerios – words cannot describe how much you have impacted me and my Xavier experience. I have no doubt that you guys will keep the spiritline legacy and do it amazingly. Remember to live in the moment and go to every practice like it is your last! Endless love for you all, please don’t forget about me 🙂 -Kate Alpert

Mr. and Mrs. Wyman – Thank you both so much for everything you have given to Xavier, especially your students. I speak for all of us when I say that school was 10x more enjoyable thanks to your classes and uplifting spirits <3 I could never thank you enough and will hold you both in my prayers always. We promise to make you proud! – Joey Hernandez Mena 

Mockies- you killed it this year. I could not be more proud of you all. South, I am so impressed you made it to state as a baby team, thanks for taking my squad to state this year. North, we deserved better but we demolished. I am so happy I had such an experienced team to send off our seniors. Much love, Leina R.

XPress Editor Emma McCarthy, thank you for all your hard work on the newspaper. I always enjoyed reading your articles. I’m very excited to see where you go but, more importantly, to live one floor up from you <3 Love, Simone LaMagna

To all the girls who were my friend even if just for a class period or for all four years and anywhere in-betwixt! You all have made Xavier such a wonderful, kind, loving place which has shaped such a positive experience for me! Your generosity towards others is admirable, and I admire you! (: – Kathleen Crawford

Thank you to all of my teachers (Mr. Long, Dr. King, Mrs. Donaldson, Mr. Ahern, Mrs. White, and of course, Mr. Carlson!) who have helped me find my love for teaching and pursuing what makes me the most happy!! I cannot wait to come back to Xavier to teach alongside you all passionately. – Lily Smyth

To all my Great Bookies, thank you for making the past four years such an amazing time! I will miss spending almost every day with y’all and will definitely miss all of our amazing memories. All of you are such beautiful girls and go out and have a great time next year! Love, Amanda Maruster 

Xavier Community- Thank you for making these past four years exciting with school trips such as Close-Up and the Ireland Creative Writing Trip! The friendships and memories made on those trip are something I will always cherish when thinking about my time at Xavier! Love, Emma Haas

Emma McCarthy, I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you put into XPress as Editor. I loved reading your articles this year and we all know you’re going places. XPress wouldn’t be the same without you. Can’t wait to see what you do in college! Love, Sloan Sciarappo <3

To my class of 2021 girls, thank you for making the last four years so special! We may have lost the rallies, but we gained friendships to last a lifetime. I love you all and I can’t wait to see what you all become! We can do hard things 🙂 Love, Arianna Perkins <3

My Gatorline girls! I have so much love for all of you and I am so thankful for the amazing three years I had on this team. You all are so amazing and I cannot wait to see you all succeed! You guys are gonna do amazing next year! Much love, Mylie Markham

Nina! I’m going to miss you so much! All our carpool jam sessions, your endless 1D jokes, and our random baking hours. Thank you for all the crazy memories! I know you’re going to do great things these next two years. Love u freshie! – Serena Banghar <3

To my varsity soccer state champions, I will miss you guys so much! You’re the best team I’ve ever been on and I wouldn’t trade my experience with you guys for anything else. I hope you bring home the trophy next year. Your Iron Woman, Ololade Adebayo.

To my dear friends — I love you all so much!! I don’t know what I’m going to do without you all next year, but I know you will all go on to do amazing things! Thank you for making these four years so memorable! Good luck in college! Love, AnnaRose Saba

Precious Kate<3 Never let anyone dim your light! You are wise beyond your years and have the biggest heart! Don’t ever stop being who you are! the world needs more of you. I love you so so much! Love always, Victoria (Tori) Saucedo #pink #K74eva

Shout out to my girls Bethany, Jordan, and Brooke for getting me through these last four years and for all the amazing memories! I’ll miss you so much next year, but I know you’re all going to kill it in college! Lots of love <3, Sophia Plumb

To my amazing archery gals – We shot for the stars and landed among them, and I could not be more proud of you all! Thank you so much for the gift of your friendship, and I wish you the very best in high school and beyond. Nothing but yellow! – Alexandra Scott

To my Xavier Varsity Soccer baes, I love you all so much and I am so excited to see what the next year has in store for you all! I can’t wait to watch you all kill it. I’ll be seeing you around next year… Love forever, Jaden Campbell

To my lovely morning friends! I will miss seeing you every morning and talking with you all across the hall. I can’t wait to see what we all do in the next four years. I hope to see all of you soon! with big hugs, Maya Amaro

To my K7 Group!! I love you with all my heart and am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished this past year. You are all so inspiring and can’t wait to see everything you do in the future! Love, Carlie Peak

Emma McCarthy, I hope you know that of all my four years at Xavier, you have been, by far, the best Editor-in-Chief of XPress. Thanks for always writing great articles! Sincerely, Natalie Aguirre :))

I love all of my friends who made these last four years literally the best time of my life!! I am so grateful for all the new friends I made and for my lifelong best friends who are so amazing! – Lauren Peterman

XC Team: I love you all so much and you are the best xc family I could ask for! I am going to miss you all so much!! You have been amazing teammates, thank you for the best 4 years! – Rishita Shah

Senior Stuco-Love you all! Thanks for making senior year so fun! I wish you all the best next year! Thanks Ms. Sanford for ALWAYS making period 1 so fun! Love, Kassidy Espinosa

Xavier beachies – you all are amazing! I will miss game days and all the memories we created the past 4 years! next year, tape the box better 😉 love you all!! CAFB – Serena Turner

Shoutout Herding’s period 6 advanced – love you guys so much! I’m going to miss you all<3 U guys made my afternoons so much better here!!! Love, Amelie Murphy

Lacrosse ladies, I love you with all my heart! These past four years have truly been a blessing. I know you will all do big things! Love, Bella Giannini

Period 6 Advanced Dance has my whole heart!!! best class ever I am going to miss everyone so much. That class is one of the only reasons I go to school. – Maggie Kamps

Tessa- Thank you for being one of my best friends and the best carpool I could ask for. You always made my day so much brighter 🙂 Love Kendall Warner <3

Shout-out senior student council! You all are the best and always brighten my mornings. You all have such a bright future ahead. I love you all. – Noemi Santaella 

molly, katie, taylor, and anna – enjoy every second of your time together. i will miss you all so much next year. love you tons! – Sadie Starkle

Badminton Baddies for Life!!!! I love all of the girls who have played and will play this wonderful sport! <3 —Lina Vanderwey

I happy I got to meet and talk to new people this! And Dr. King who’s an amazing passionate teacher, thank you! – Daisy Serrano

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Wyman for everything you’ve done for us and I wish the best for you in the future! – Andrea Kotlarz

Thank you to all the teachers from freshman to senior year and all the hard work and teaching they did! – Isabella Cookman

Shoutout to Mr. Phillip Segura for always saying “Good morning and have a nice day” to us everyday – Ava Brownlow

I love all of the friends I’ve made here and had the best experiences! – Ally Wissink

Thanks for a fun four years! – Nataly Oviatt

To my amazingly kind and beautiful fellow K5 leaders, I love you all endlessly. Nat, I cannot even begin to tell you how thankful I am for our friendship, you have shown me what true friendship is and I love you to the moon and back. America, your sweet soul came into my life right when I needed it most, thank you. Lauren, I have only truly known you this year, but you feel like the sister I never had, but always dreamed of having, thank you for being a light in my life. To my Dr. Queen, I love you so so much and I will miss saying hi to you in the hallways next year, I loved being your TA! To Ms. Andersen, even though physics was not my forte at all, you were one of the best teachers I have ever had, because you taught me that our failures do not define us, (that’s good because physics was not it). To Mrs. Hubbard, I don’t know how but each book we read this year impacted my life in a way I didn’t know I needed but am MOST definitely thankful for. “I care for myself” will follow me into college and all that I do, thank you my iconic queen! To Bethany, Jordan, Katie, and Sophia, thank you for being my best comrades throughout these four years, I couldn’t have done it without you! To Brooke, words can’t even begin to tell you how much our friendship has meant to me. I couldn’t have chosen a better ride or die, you are truly one of a kind. Lastly, thank you Xavier for being my home over these past four years, you have nurtured some of the best relationships of my life and I thank you tremendously for the love and support I have felt during my four years here! I will miss Xavier with every ounce of my being, but I leave knowing that this is not good bye, just see you soon. 

– Citlali Chimal

Joj- You rule the school and are officially the oldest. Don’t have too much fun without me and enjoy your solo birthday, even though I won’t be there to chat 🙁 . I’ll miss you mucho but make sure to come up and visit!! Love you! Sophia Samantha- greatest carpool of all time. Continue the stuco legacy and never stop being the second greatest Oct 21-Sept 14 duo. Love, Sophia Camille- Do not miss me too much and make sure to keep the boys in check. My advice is to go out and dance or sing loud in the car sometime since I won’t be able to do it for you. Love your favorite sister! Toni- my absolute favorite. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you! You always know exactly which wave to flow with and are an original homie. Keep everyone in check next season (you will be there) and come visit me!! Love, Sophie Devonte- You are absolutely amazing and I am going to miss you so much next year!! Live it up and don’t miss me too much, I will be a quick flight away when you come and see me! Call me for anything!! Love, Sophie Mo- mini me, keep the vibes alive. Absolutely dominate next year in everything you do and call me whenever! Always remember wwsd 🙂 Love, Sophie Basketball favs- I will miss you all so so so much!! You are all incredibly talented in every way and I can’t wait to see what you do next season! I will be sure to stop by for some games and will always be your #1 cheerleader :)) Love you all to infinity!! –  Sophie Alameddin

Shout-out to each one of my friends! I love every one of you and am so grateful our paths crossed. Thank you all for being amazing friends to me! I will miss you so so much and wish you luck for your next journey!  – Callie Guyer