How to prepare for a rally
A birds eye view of the lights out rally
From my age and experience, I think I know a thing or two about rallies. Perhaps the most looked-forward-to events Xavier has to offer, rallies bring the school together in an awesome explosion of school spirit. As I’ve been a spectator, student council dancer, sport dancer and now Exec Board member, I can tell you quite a bit of planning goes into these rallies. So if you’re going to enjoy the rally to its fullest, you must also plan and prepare.
Step #1: Load up on your class color. Yes, yellow is ugly, but we were all sophomores once. Buy those yellow converse. Purchase your class t-shirt at the beginning of the year and stock up on accessories, socks, hats, costumes, etc in your class color.
Step #2: Learn the theme and make/buy props accordingly. Cheering on your student council is no small feat and a prop does wonders for a class’s overall effect and enthusiasm.
Step #3: Get some rest the night before. You’re about to spend a solid hour in a nearly hysterical state, the last thing you need to do is get sick (although it happens to me every Lights Out). This way your dancing and cheering skills will be at their very best.
Step #4: Coordinate a homeroom breakfast. Nothing screams rally day more than scarfing three donuts down in homeroom then being offered a bagel in your first period. This sense of community really lends a wonderful aspect to the beauty of rally day.
Step #5: HAVE FUN. It seems almost unnecessary to say, but it’s true. Don’t be self conscious at all during these rallies, everyone is just as sweaty and hyped up as you. Also, take lots of pictures because, unfortunately, you only get so many rallies. Value every chant and scream off!
I know we all remember the Lights Out Rally from our own 8th grade day all those years ago (or at least I do) and how we idolized those dancers and exec board members. It’s crazy to think that we have so many rallies under our belt now and that they get better every time. As a senior, I can say that my very unbiased opinion is that Xavier has the best rallies out of any school EVER. Happy Rally day!