Dear Class of 2019

Dear Class of 2019 (and even Class of 2018),

As our years at Xavier come to a close, the junior and senior classes impart to you some words of wisdom. Our time here has been full of learning, both in and out of the classroom. We hope our extensive knowledge of the inter-workings of Xavier life assists and enriches the rest of your high school careers.


Class of 2016 & Class of 2017

“Don’t take things so seriously. You only get to go through high school once, try to enjoy it.”

-Alex Kusen ‘16

“Always take advantage of all the events and opportunities at school. It may seem cool to blow them off sometimes, but when you only have a few left, they are all worth it.”

-Sydney Clooney ‘16

“Branch out and get to know everyone, pretty soon you’ll be wishing you became closer with more people as your time at Xavier comes to an end.”

-Greta Johnsen ‘17

“Xavier will help you realize that your potential is infinite and being here will shape you into the student, friend and person you have always wanted to be. Xavier pushes you to discover that you are more capable of accomplishing your goals than you initially thought.”

-Julia DePasquale ‘16

“Do your homework and then have fun. Or have fun and then do your homework. Better yet, have fun while doing your homework!”

-Emily Torres ‘17

“Don’t be afraid to try out or join clubs/sport;  you will never know unless you try.”

-Angela Vanderwey ‘16

-“Being overwhelmed is a big part of attending Xavier, but have confidence in yourself and everything will be okay.”

Cindy Nguyen ‘16

“Be true to who you are; there is no shame in being different. Once you accept yourself, everyone learns to accept you as well.”

-Ksenia Balderrama ‘16

“There is nothing more beautiful than being yourself. Be fearlessly authentic.”

-Michaela Wuycheck ‘16

“Walk on the right side of the hallway!”

-Abby Paddison ‘16

“When you come to Xavier, there are three things you have to accept: 1) You will trip up the stairs of Fitz at least once a week. 2) Your drinks will get thrown away (no matter how hard you try to hide them). 3) Even as a Senior, you will still feel lost trying to find your classes on the first day of school.”

-Savannah Walters ‘16