Experiencing many hardships while growing up, Joanne Sweeney’s life took a positive turn when somebody knocked on her door and invited her to church. “Every time I go to a door to knock on it, I see myself behind that door needing to know that I am loved and that someone cares for me.”
Excitement fills the students of Xavier each time they remember the monthly Buck-a-sweans day (when they can donate one dollar in return for wearing either sweatpants or jeans) is coming up. But do they ever think about who exactly they’re helping out with their one-dollar donations? Sweeney’s JumpStart Ministries is just one of the many.
Sweeney started the non-profit organization JumpStart Ministries over 20 years ago, and since then she not only has taught kids living in the Chandler project houses about Jesus Christ, but she has instilled in them hope.
JumpStart is a year-round ministry. For twelve Saturdays in the spring and fall, a sidewalk Sunday school is held for the children who live in Chandler project houses. During the weekdays, Sweeney visits the kids and their parents’ homes. In the summertime, weekly lunches and breakfasts are distributed to each kid, and they are picked up to go to church on Sundays.
Kim Pfaff, Xavier’s director of office management, is a frequent JumpStart volunteer who sells donated textbooks on Amazon and brings in a couple thousand of dollars a year for the ministry. “One of my favorite parts about JumpStart is bringing the money in, but the biggest thing is seeing my friend of 43 years, Joanne Sweeney, just excel at this ministry because she has such a gift with these kids.”
Besides “sweans” donations, another way Xavier Gators are involved in JumpStart is through their toy donations to the annual Christmas drive. Every year, on the second Saturday of December, a huge Christmas celebration is held where 150-300 kids get to pick out toys and take them home as their Christmas presents.
“We could not do it without Xavier and their toys. It’s our big push,” Sweeney says.
Rhonda Golden, a frequent Christmas drive volunteer, describes giving out the toys to the hundreds of kids as her favorite part of the ministry. “I love seeing their faces. They’re so happy and cute, and it’s humbling because they are so grateful for that one new toy.”
Sweeney’s story of changing the trajectory of her life by starting an organization that helps impoverished people through the love of Jesus is an inspiration to the students of Xavier, encouraging them to engage in community service.
Golden wishes to see the Xavier students more involved with the children in JumpStart. “We have some very smart young women here who could mentor and encourage the kids. I think an after-school program where they could help the kids with their homework would be awesome.”
JumpStart Ministries has positively impacted the lives of many families who live in Chandler. So, next time you’re making a one dollar Buck-a-sweans donation for JumpStart, remember the hope you are giving to these kids and the joy that you are bringing to their faces.