Taking the next step to Catholic high school may be a similar experience for some who previously attended Catholic middle school, or an entirely new experience for others who have never experienced faith in a school setting.
Regardless of background, attending Xavier College Preparatory is not all that different from any other high school, but there are also special religious experiences that the school offers which cannot be obtained anywhere else.
Geoffrey Stricklin, theology teacher, says, “You don’t have to be Catholic” to attend and fully experience Xavier. “Every person has to be given the ability to explore life’s big questions, and our theology classes are places where everyone is welcome.”
Xavier students are required to take four years of theology courses.
In addition to theology classes, freshwoman, sophomore, junior, and senior year prayer days, monthly Mass, reconciliation before Advent and Lent, sacrament prep for those who desire to become Catholic, and the Kairos retreat for seniors are all other faith experiences that are offered.
Recent changes took place at the beginning of the 2024 school year. Lunch Bible study with Mr. Minton, faith with Father Elario, monthly adoration, and a sophomore year “mini- Kairos” retreat were made available.
These activities and theology classes address topics such as burnout, perfectionism, self-worth, and other meaningful high school experiences in addition to philosophy and God.
Girls who desire to get more involved have opportunities to join faith-based clubs such as Xavier Young Vincentians that volunteers at organizations such as Saint Vincent de Paul and Maggie’s Place to make an impact on the community by “putting their faith into action,” says Stricklin.
Kaiti-Lynn Beazley, a Xavier graduate and current theology teacher, says, “Xavier’s goal is to give girls the space to accept what they would like and challenge them to discover what they believe in and what they don’t.”
“Christianity is a program of invitation, not one of indoctrination,” Stricklin adds.
Attending Xavier, a student can expect an excellent education and a unique faith experience.