Senior Editorial: Mia Parham

Senior Editorial: Mia Parham

Going to Xavier has been a dream come true. I made so many friends and memories at school for the past four years. As I look back on those years I feel both sadness and happiness. I had amazing teachers that taught me about things that went beyond the classroom. I worked hard to keep my grades up and met friends that I was able to lean on when things got hard. I’m going to miss going to school every morning and hearing the announcements before class. I’ll miss racing to my next class and slipping in right on time. I’ll miss the courtyard and walking down the halls greeting the girls I have grown up with. And I’ll miss this, writing for Xpress and coming up with article or podcast ideas that my classmates might like. I wish I had more time to be with the girls I have come to call sisters. At the end of the day, I will never forget each and every person I have come to know because of Xavier and for that I am grateful.