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The Student News Site of Xavier College Preparatory


The Student News Site of Xavier College Preparatory


The Student News Site of Xavier College Preparatory


The Student News Site of Xavier College Preparatory


Olivia Garcia

Olivia Garcia, News Editor

Olivia Garcia is a senior at Xavier College Prep. She is involved in various activities including junior varsity archery, president of Classical Music Club, Student Ambassadors, National English Honor Society, National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, and Computer Science Honor Society. Outside of Xavier, she dances at her local studio, Evolve Dance and Fitness. She also enjoys reading and spending time with her friends and family.  Olivia loves journalism because she gets to learn more about the world and she hopes to write about more diverse topics this year. Olivia is a Best of SNO award-winning writer. The Arizona Interscholastic Press Association (AIPA) awarded her a “Superior” mark for sports writing and an “Excellent” mark in news writing and sports writing in 2023. In 2024, the AIPA awarded her a “Superior” mark for feature writing.

All content by Olivia Garcia
On Sunday February 23, two national award-winning magazines are displayed. The poem, “Made to Fade” by Brishen Ehmann, is the opening poem in the 2024 Pierian Spring magazine.

Pierian Spring wins national award for REALM contest

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
February 27, 2025
Olivia Garcia poses with her friends and family as they are celebrating her birthday, dance recital and quinceanera. The photo on the upper left was the first day Olivia was taken home from the hospital.

Sorry I couldn’t always be your teenage dream

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
February 27, 2025
An artistic collage of all the elements that cybersecurity aims to protect. The most recent scare of a cybersecurity attack on the XCP staff wasWednesday, February 5.

New cybersecurity class makes impact for achieving higher education amid digital age

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
February 13, 2025
Technology has taken over a teenager’s mind due to the easy and quick resources it provides. The color blue indicates the most represented color in the world of technology, while also representing success.

The acme of the digital age: How is XCP handling evolving technology?

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
December 5, 2024
On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, National Honors Society members advocated for the canned food drive by dressing up as canned food. On this day, Xavier raised $10,000 for St. Vincent De Paul.

Deeper than volunteering: Fundraising tactics behind canned food drive

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
November 21, 2024
On Sunday, October 20, Xavier rowers Kalani Hernandez '25, Miranda Papez '25, Norah Dentz '25, Sydney Hertzberg '25 and Sophia Robaina '27 use “pick drills" to warm up on the Charles River in Boston, Mass. They are preparing to face other competitors at the Head of the Charles Regatta.

‘Head of the river’: Xavier rowers journey to Head of Charles Regatta

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
October 22, 2024
On Friday, September 13, Sister Lynn Winsor (left) and Sister Joan Fitzgerald stand commemorating their years together. Fitzgerald and Winsor returned from making speeches honoring the freshwomen grandparents.

Sister Joan Fitzgerald and Sister Lynn Winsor celebrate faith and leadership

Olivia Garcia, News Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
September 19, 2024
On Monday, May 6, Xavier administration sent an email stating that Sister Joanie Nuckols would not be returning to Xavier. In her letter within the email, Nuckols thanked the Xavier community and staff for her time at Xavier.

Sister Joanie Nuckols bids farewell to Xavier community

Olivia Garcia, Connect Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
May 7, 2024
On a Friday afternoon in early March, Camila Beltran-Felix '25 is practicing her “holding,” one of the 11 steps to shooting success. Beltran-Felix was working on her form to prepare for the upcoming archery tournament. (Photo courtesy of Isabella Ballesteros)

80% Mental, 20% Physical: Archers journey to conquer state title

Olivia Garcia, Connect Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
March 10, 2024
Alexandra Lopez Jimenez shows her students Día de los Muertos projects displayed in her classroom. Every year near the time of Day of the Dead, Lopez Jimenez makes her students create “Ofrendas” to present and share with the class.

‘We have to mourn the person, We have to cry’: Overcoming sorrow with celebration

Olivia Garcia, Connect Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
November 9, 2023

Paying the price on Valentine’s Day: Why it is better to be single

Olivia Garcia, Connect Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
February 14, 2024
On Thursday, September 7, Xavier girls make friendship bracelets and signs for the new Gator-Aide club. This was the first meeting and over 150 girls showed up. (Photo courtesy of Abigail DeLeon)

More than a friendship bracelet: The need for inclusivity at an all-girls school

Olivia Garcia, Connect Editor and Best of SNO award-winning writer
September 28, 2023
On Thursday March 30, the Xavier varsity team warms up for its match against the Chandler Wolves. The
 Xavier Gators came out victorious, winning 7-2.

To Fall and Fly: Lacrosse, tennis and softball conquer spring season

Olivia Garcia, Staff Writer and Best of SNO award-winning writer
April 28, 2023
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